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Email Threads

Before the Strategic Planning Board (SPB) meeting on 24th April 2024, we consistently highlighted the flawed data that underpinned the planning proposal for a raised 480m concrete crest requiring the felling of 78 trees at Poynton Pool.

At the SPB meeting on 24th April, councillors voted to defer the final decision to correct any inaccuracies in submitted data to ensure accurate flood modelling. Councillors also voted in favour of CEC engaging with FoPP to consider alternative proposals.

Our key objective since 24th April has been to secure a face to face meeting with CEC to work through the baseline errors to arrive at an accurate risk assessment and to formally review the FoPP alternative proposals that achieve the same flood mitigation outcome, for less money, with zero removal of trees. Why wouldn’t any organisation want to do that …?

Some key observations from these email threads that just don’t make sense:

· Multiple dam inspecting engineers over 30 years have never recommended the removal of trees to improve dam integrity however Jacobs and CEC have done just that

· Following a request by the FoPP dam and reservoir consultant to meet with the CEC’s technical representative. The response was that “the Council, as “Undertaker” will not support the request”. In 50 years of working as a civil and structural designer in some major engineering projects, the FoPP dam and reservoir consultant designer has never been refused communication with senior engineers, in his earlier years he was told, if in doubt, ask! (see mail of 16 May 2024)

· As an example of the lack of due diligence being applied, the appointed CEC panel engineer only made a “rough check” of the volume of the pool. (see mail of 27 May 2024)

In May 2024, in line with the SPB vote for engagement, FoPP made a direct request to meet with CEC and proposed a 14 point agenda (see mail of 3 May 2024).

The requirement for this engagement meeting was now referred to as “if required” and in later e-mails as “encouraged” which goes against the facts and the spirit of what the CEC Strategic Planning Board councillors voted for on 24th April 2024.

In May (twice) & June (once) CEC agreed to meet but 4 months later Poynton residents are no further forward despite multiple requests to multiple CEC stakeholders.

Roll forward 4 months

On 13th August FoPP wrote to CEC highlighting our concerns that, despite repeated representations, there has been no mention of investigating the embankment, investigating the inflow and outflow, reviewing the flood study or revising the risk assessment. Is there any intention to consider these shortcomings in the current application?

The communication went on to state the community was being held at arms-length which is unhelpful given that we are seeking a reasonable and equitable solution to the reported deficiencies in the Poynton Pool reservoir.

Once again, we asked for CEC to meaningfully engage with Friends of Poynton Pool and Poynton Town Council to no avail.

Click on the links below to read more.